Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Win/Win Situation

It's been a great year teaching first grade. The students, families, and coworkers made coming to work a joy everyday. Looking out at 6 and 7-year old faces in my classroom made me very happy. 

This summer my principal and I discussed the possibility of me leaving the classroom and returning to coaching. The position wasn't in the budget but I told her if it did materialize, then I would love to return to coaching. If the position wasn't funded, then I would love to stay in 1st grade, teaching our young learners how to read. 

It was a win/win situation. 

I am happy to say this week I returned to coaching, with a focus on reading. I plan on updating this blog with ideas and thoughts as we move into fully implementing the Common Core State Standards and go deeper into best literacy practices. 

It's nice to be back.

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